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yesterday i wrote about my plan to buy some cheap sort of raincoat… you know like a poncho… the kind you wear when riding a bike… big, light, plastic… etc. so my colleague and i went to commerical street because we thought (and were told) that we would get raincoats there… but we walked and walked and walked…. we asked and asked and asked… they all knew what we were talking about but none of them had any… they sent us back and forth to different destinations where we would find a raincoat like that “for sure/pakkha” but sadly to say… nothing could be found… we went straigth after work to commerical street respec. shivajinagar and after 3 and half hours we gave up… the last store we were in a very old muslim gay who had rain jackets and also used to have raincoats told us frankly: “why are you coming so late? season started 2 months ago! i used to have the kind that you want to have… but now they are all gone” when i replied that the rain season/ monsoon will only start today or tomorrow and that til now there was no need to buy any rain coat he would hear of  it… “no no you are coming all too late”… so i still don´t have a raincoat… most probably i will get drenched and soaked til i get lucky someday and found a cheap raincoat… why did i not bring any bike poncho from germany i thought to myself… the reason is simple: i thought that because monsoon is happening here every year india would be the best place to get something cheap and that i didn´t have to carry it over here. but i guess it´s not that simple…

the monsoon will hit karnataka today (according to newspaper reports)… in the last couple of days it always rained in the evening… on friday it rained so much and heavily that the whole traffic broke down completely. i was on a motor bike trying to reach to the movies on time… i got drenched… soaked… was shivering and the raindrops felt like swords slicing my skin… so now its really about time to finally get a rain coat… so i won´t wait another day… today i will buy some cheap stuff… so i won´t get soaked every time i go on the bike.

i actually love the rain… the rain drops are so big and its fun to be in the rain… when i am at home or at my boyfriends place… you know you can do lots of masti on the roof top… but to be travelling during the rainfalls… its really a pain in the ass. first of the drainage doesn´t work properly here… so all the streets get flooded with water.  cars and other bikes passing you will soak you even more…

but anyway…. another very good thing right now is the mango season… so many different sorts of mangos… small… big… round… oval… so many different flavours…. yummy…. i am eating mangos every day… on the weekend i have had my best mangos ever… never before have i eaten anything so good, so sweet, so tasty… its really an advantage living here if you are fond of fresh fruits… in germany fruits like papayas, mangos, melons etc.  never tastes that good. so i am very lucky… that i can have so many mangos here…

yesterday i went to garuda mall to see the new hindi movie metro- life in a city. i liked the movie very much… mainly because it a fresh and realistic view on indian life in a metropolis… plus the idea of short cuts… different parts of narratation that will intermingle in the end was enchanting. the music was excellent. and the dialogues were well written. i never accepted to see a film like this made for mainstream bollywood cinema… it felt very much like an arthouse, independent film.

but actually i wanted to write about something else… before the movie there was a preview for a typical bollywood movie “shootout at lockandwala” which is suppose to be based on some true incident… what i found funny though was the subtitle of the movie that at the same time shows how much artistic freedom the involved person have taken with this film: BASED ON TRUE RUMOURS!!! i think its interesting that they don´t try and sell this film as based on a true story…. to make it more authentic. isn´t that very refreshing…

new designs for swimming, originally uploaded by javeja.

another contribution to my swimming gear series…. summer time…. new designs have arrived. 🙂

ad campaign lee stores india, originally uploaded by javeja.

recently all over bangalore… you can come across those ads for lee stores… very interesting campaign i think…. 😉

here is some article about MSM and WSM in Bangalore in the supplement of the Deccan Herald due to the lee campaigning…

an update (30.Juni 07): i had a talk with a colleague of mine, who told me that the effects of this campaign were rather differently received in delhi and mumbai. in mumbai the shiv sena made it possible that all the ads and posters had to be removed within a couple of days after the beginning of the campaign. he told me that in delhi on the other hand it was no big deal at all. they came, stayed and went again without people reacting violently about them… he said that in delhi people are more open-minded about this topic…

bangles, originally uploaded by javeja.


May 2007

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